Wednesday 29 October 2014

Beware: 4 food items that cause ageing

Everything you eat shows on your face.
In case you haven’t noticed, there are days when you wake up with a bloated face and saggy eyelids. It is a mere reflection of the food consumed by you and the effect it is having on your health.
We bring to you foods which can make you look old. Avoid them.
Watch that salty intake! Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, which can weaken the skin by affecting collagen production. This can cause wrinkles, especially in thin-skinned areas, like around your eyes, as well as puffiness. 
Sugar affects your skin in many different ways, one of these being inflammation. When your blood sugar levels spike, your body becomes inflamed, and this inflammation affects all the organs, affecting your skin tone and texture. Opt for smaller amounts of fruit instead, which will satisfy that sweet tooth, but avoid the overload that ages and damages skin.
Coffee not only stains your teeth, darkening the shiny pearly whites of your younger years, but it also dehydrates your body, causing skin to dry out and look less youthfully plump.
It will leave you puffy and bloated and may also have the unfortunate consequence of leaving you reaching for those salty bar snacks such as peanuts, processed meats and pretzels, which as we already know, are extremely bad for your skin! 

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